IJRR Articles
2025 Volume 212024 Volume 20Article 8: Is Homosexuality in the Priesthood Diminishing? Evidence from Two Surveys of Catholic Priests in the United States Author: Mark Regnerus (The University of Texas at Austin), Brad Vermurlen (University of St. Thomas), and Stephen Cranney (The Catholic University of America)
| Article 7: Book Talk: Religious Appeals in Power Politics Author: Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Ariel Zellman (Bar-Ilan University) Author's Reply: Peter Henne (2023, Cornell University Press)
| Article 6: Exposure to Worldview Pluralism and Adopting an Atheistic Worldview Author: Katie E. Corcoran and Christopher P. Scheitle (West Virginia University)
| Article 5: Book Talk: No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Kevin D. Dougherty (Baylor University) Author's Reply: Jennifer M. McClure Haraway(2023, Rowman & Littlefield)
| Article 4: A Corpus-Based Comparison of Keywords and Themes from The Book of Mormon and the Bible Author: Brett Hashimoto and Joshua Cowley (Brigham Young University)
| Article 3: Book Talk: Stuck: Why Clergy Are Alienated From Their Calling, Congregation, and Career...and What To Do About It Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Mark Killian (Whitworth University, Sociology Department) Author's Reply: Todd W. Ferguson and Josh Packard (2022, Fortress Press)
| Article 2: A Quantitative Integrative Review of Personal Jurisdiction in Romans 1 Legal Exegesis and Its Implications on Christian Gentile Homonegative Doctrines Author: Jonathan Brackens (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
| Article 1: Book Talk: In This Place Called Prison: Women’s Religious Life in the Shadow of Punishment Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Cesraéa Rumpf (University of Illinois Chicago) Author's Reply: Rachel Ellis (2023, University of California Press)
 2023 Volume 19Article 7: Measuring Ethnodoxy in Egypt and Morocco Author: Hannah M. Ridge, Ph.D. (Chapman University)
| Article 6: A Meta-Analysis: How to Best Foster the Success of African American and Latino Students with Disabilities and Those of Them in Special Education, the Place of Faith, and Other Factors Author: William H. Jeynes, Ph.D. (California State University)
| Article 5: Saint Thomas in the East Author: Daryn Graham, Ph.D. (Macquarie University)
| Article 4: Book Talk: Solidarity in a Secular Age: From Political Theology to Jewish Philosophy Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Martin Kavka (Florida State University) Author's Reply: Charles H. T. Lesch (2022, Oxford University Press)
| Article 3: Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Identity and Group Participation in U.S. College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences in Quality of Life and Psychological Distress Author: Christopher R. Dabbs, Ph.D. (Knox College) and Carrie L. Winterowd, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University)
| Article 2: Book Talk: Apocalypse without God: Apocalyptic Thought, Ideal Politics, and the Limits of Utopian Hope Author: Reviewer's Response: Gregory Claeys (University of London) Author's Reply: Ben Jones (2022, Cambridge University Press)
| Article 1: Book Talk: Believing in South Central: Everyday Islam in the City of Angels Author: Reviewer's Response: Omar McRoberts (University of Chicago) Author's Reply: Pamela J. Prickett (2021, University of Chicago Press)
 2022 Volume 18Article 11: Muslim American Women’s Attitudes toward Islamic Law: Support or Rejection? Author: Fatima Z. Rahman, PhD (Soka University of America)
| Article 10: Book Talk: Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion in Silicon Valley Author: Reviewer's Response: Scotty McLennan (Stanford Graduate School of Business) Author's Reply: Carolyn Chen (2022, Princeton University Press)
| Article 9: Book Talk: Race and the Power of Sermons on American Politics Author: Reviewer's Response: Corwin E. Smidt (Calvin University) Author's Reply: R. Khari Brown, Ronald E. Brown, and James S. Jackson (2021, University of Michigan Press)
| Article 8: A ‘Sanctified’ Language: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Perception of Latin and its Role in the Mass for American Catholics Author: David Johnson, Ph.D. (Kennesaw State University) and Jennifer Priestley, Ph.D. (Kennesaw State University)
| Article 7: Are Religious “Nones” Really Not Religious?: Revisiting Glenn, Three Decades Later Author: Jeff Levin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Matt Bradshaw, Ph.D., Byron R. Johnson, Ph.D., Rodney Stark, Ph.D. (Baylor University)
| Article 6: Voddie Baucham and the Gnostics Who Have No Love: Boundary Work and a Rhetorical Exposé of Social Justice within Evangelicalism Author: G. Brandon Knight (William Carey University)
| Article 5: A Corpus-Based Comparison of Modality in Evangelical Christian and Zen Buddhist Books Author: Charles M Mueller (Fuji Women’s University), Peter Richardson (Hokkaido Bunkyo University), Baramee Kheovichai (Silpakorn University), and Miori Nagashima (Hokkaido University)
| Article 4: Book Talk: Society and the Death of God Author: Reviewer's Response: Robert A. Thomson, Jr. (The University of Alabama in Huntsville) Author's Reply: Sal Restivo (2021, Routledge)
| Article 3: Sociodemographic Predictors of Buddhist Religious Engagement Among Thai Adolescents and Young Adults Author: Sakesun Siriphadung (Independent Researcher) and Michael Christopher (Pacific University)
| Article 2: Digital Theology: New Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research Between the Humanities and Theology Author: Jens Dörpinghaus (University of Pretoria)
| Article 1: Book Talk - The Power of the Sacred: An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment Author: Reviewer's Response: Richard Madsen (University of California, San Diego) Author's Reply: Hans Joas (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
 2021 Volume 17Article 5: Household Income, Household Size and Charitable Giving Author: Alan Chan (Crandall University)
| Article 4: Confucian Values, Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among Rural Chinese Author: Jie Zhang (State University of New York College at Buffalo), Shuo Dong (Central University of Finance and Economics School of Economics, China), and David Lester (Stockton University)
| Article 3: Gendering by Design: The Visual Language of Essentialism in Evangelical Material Culture Author: Mark Ward Sr. (University of Houston-Victoria Victoria, Texas)
| Article 2: Generation Z, Minority Millennials and Disaffiliation from Religious Communities: Not Belonging and the Cultural Cost of Unbelief Author: Aprilfaye T. Manalang (Norfolk State University)
| Article 1: Political Activity in American Synagogues Author: Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz, Ph.D. (Senior Director, Research and Analysis - Director, Berman Jewish DataBank - Jewish Federations of North America)
2020 Volume 16Article 9: Purgatory, Alms-Giving, and the Needs of the Dead Author: Paul Delany (Simon Fraser University)
| Article 8: Gospels of Prosperity and Simplicity. Assessing Variation in the Protestant Moral Economy Author: Maren Freudenberg (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Martin Lutz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Martin Radermacher (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
| Article 7: Religion as Social Control: Parsons and Foucault Author: James J. Chriss (Cleveland State University)
| Article 6: When Spiritual and Material Meet: Explaining Congregational Engagement in the Local Community Author: Rebecca A. Glazier (University of Arkansas at Little Rock), Emilie Street (Clinton School of Public Service)
| Article 5: On Early Church Organization: An Economic Analysis of The Didache Author: Cornelius Christian
| Article 4: Connected and Fragmented: Introducing a Social Network Study of Religious Congregations Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)
| Article 3: The influence of religiosity and Muslim peers on the school performance of adolescents in the Netherlands, Germany, and England Author: Dr. Susan Lee. (IMVR, University of Cologne)
| Article 2: Wisdom, Masculinity, and Health in the Book of Proverbs Author: Kojo Okyere (University of Cape Coast, Ghana)
| Article 1: The "First Shall Remain the First" - Social Stratification and Calvinism Author: Milan Zafirovski (University of North Texas)
 2019 Volume 15Article 8: Effect of Religious Legislation on Religious Behavior: The Ramadan Fast Author: Hannah M. Ridge (Duke University)
| Article 7: Consensus and Conflict: Abortion, Mainline Protestants, and Religious Restructuring Since 1960 Author: Sabrina Danielsen (Creighton University)
| Article 6: Virtues for Me or Virtues for You?: Patterns of the Perceptions of the Religious Virtues Author: Michael A. McCann (Fuller Theological Seminary Pasadena, California), Douglas M. Stenstrom (California State University, Los Angeles, California)
| Article 5: He Goes by Mo: Drawing Boundaries Around Muslim Identities Author: Jack Trey Allen (University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky)
| Article 4: The entanglement of religion and politics in Europe: How and why religious and political worldviews merge in times of uncertainty Author: Heiko Beyer (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany), Annette Schnabel (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany)
| Article 3: Fostering Interaction in a Strict Non-communal Group: A Case Study of Amish Visiting Practices Author: Rachel E. Stein (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia), Katie E. Corcoran (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia), Corey J. Colyer (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia)
| Article 2: Religiosity as a Buffer in the Association Between Economic Disadvantage and Violence Author: Cassady Pitt (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Chicago, Illinois) and Alfred DeMaris (Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio)
| Article 1: Religious Capital Specificity: Predicting Member Retention Author: Katie E. Corcoran (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia)
 2018 Volume 14Article 16: Heads Down, Hearts Up: How Ukrainian Baptists Make Meaning from Their Memories of Soviet State-Sanctioned Religious Persecution Author: Gregory S. Morrow (Future Leadership Foundation Jefferson City, Missouri), Mary E. Grigsby (University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri)
| Article 15: Metaphoric Narration: Mimesis of Mystic Experience in Hadewijch of Brabants Vision 1 Author: Catherine Caufield (Concordia University of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta)
| Article 14: New Data and Measures on Societal Discrimination and Religious Minorities Author: Jonathan Fox (Bar Ilan University Ramat Gan, Israel), Roger Finke (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania), Dane R. Mataic (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania)
| Article 13: Religious Identity Formation: Constraints Imposed on Religious Institutions and Implications for the Meaning of Religious Affiliation Author: Marc von der Ruhr (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Paul Ngo (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Joseph Daniels (Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
| Article 12: Family Networks and the Growth of The Church of Almighty God Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR Center for Studies on New Religions Torino, Italy)
| Article 11: Head Knowledge Isnt Enough: Bible Visualization and Congregational Culture in an Evangelical Church Author: Mark Ward Sr. (University of Houston-Victoria Victoria, Texas)
| Article 10: The Body in Medieval Spirituality: A Rationale for Pilgrimage and the Veneration of Relics Author: Matteo Salonia (Kings College London London, England)
| Article 9: A Linguistic and Religious Interpretation of the Word Pain in the Age of American Secularism Author: David Johnson (Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, Georgia)
| Article 8: Same-Sex Sexuality, Marriage, and the Seminary Professor: Catholic, Evangelical, and Mainline Protestant Author: Robert J. Priest (Taylor University Upland, Indiana)
| Article 7: Economic and Religious Freedom: One or Divisible? Author: Peter R. Crabb (Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho)
| Article 6: Mostly Catholic or Loose Organizational Affiliation and Intergenerational Immigrant Identity: A Case Study of the Philippine-American Ecumenical Church, United Church of Christ (PAECUSA-UCC) in Detroit, Michigan Author: Aprilfaye T. Manalang (Norfolk State University Norfolk, Virginia)
| Article 5: Ministries of Catholic Sisters in the Diocese of Cleveland: Assessing Capacity and Opportunity in a Period of Transition Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio) and Rong Bai (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio)
| Article 4: Gendered Motivations for Religious Exit among the Former Amish Author: Caroline L. Faulkner (Franklin & Marshall College Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
| Article 3: Introducing the Sort-of Buddhist: Or, If There Is No �I� to Have a Religious Identity, Then How Do I Fill Out This Survey?� Author: Anne C. Spencer (The College of Idaho Caldwell) and Scott Draper ( The College of Idaho Caldwell)
| Article 2: Religious Likes and Dislikes as Potential Explanations for Support of Sexual Minorities Author: George Yancey (University of North Texas)
| Article 1: The Structure of Jesuss Social Network: Subgroups, Blockmodeling, and Balance Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)
 2017 Volume 13Article 12: Certitudo Salutis and Perseverance of the Saints: The Missing Piece in the Weberian Puritan Ethic Author: Ottavio Palombaro (University of Milan)
| Article 11: The Ancien Régime and Calvinism: Religious, Ideological, and Related Social Conditions of Its Genesis and Development Author: Milan Zafirovski (University of North Texas)
| Article 10: The Effect of Religious Affiliation and Religious Markets on Islamophobia in Four European Nations Author: Linda A. Lockett (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Ted G. Jelen (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
| Article 9: The Prosperity Gospel and Individualistic Economic and Social Attitudes in Guatemala Author: Lindsey A. Huang (Fresno Pacific University) and Gabe Ignatow (University of North Texas)
| Article 8: Strict but Not (Gender) Conservative: Refining the Strict Church Thesis in Light of Brazilian Pentecostalism Author: Kevin Neuhouser (Seattle Pacific University)
| Article 7: Between Ideological Formatting and Subjective Experience: The Blurring Lines of New Religious Identities Author: Patrick Laude (Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service in Qatar)
| Article 6: Christian Theology and Attitudes Toward Political and Religious Ideological Groups Author: George Yancey (University of North Texas), Marie A. Eisenstein (Indiana University Northwest), and Ryan P. Burge (Eastern Illinois University)
| Article 5: Religion, Warrior Elites, and Property Rights Author: R. Warren Anderson and Brooks B. Hull (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
| Article 4: "Today Is the Day of Salvation": Martin R. Delanys Struggles Against Providential Determinism in Early Nineteenth Century Black Abolitionism Author: Tunde Adeleke (Iowa State University)
| Article 3: Providentiality: A New Measure of Religious Belief Author: Rebecca A. Glazier (University of Arkansas at Little Rock)
| Article 2: Pragmatic Kabbalists: Bnei Baruch and the Globalization of Kabbalah Author: Massimo Introvigne (Center for Studies on New Religions)
| Article 1: The Inclusion of Geo-Cultural, Historical, and Legal Considerations in the Analysis of Anglican and Roman Ecclesiastical Division Author: Rutherford Cd. Johnson (University of Minnesota)
 2016 Volume 12 2015 Volume 11Article 14: The Paganization Process Author: William Sims Bainbridge
| Article 13: Faith Memes: An Analysis of Authority as Reflected in the Social Media of Churches in New Delhi Author: Benson Rajan (MICA)
| Article 12: Increasing Sex Ratio Imbalance Among Utah Mormons: Sources and Implications Author: Rick Phillips (University of North Florida), Ryan T. Cragun (University of Tampa), and Barry A. Kosmin (Trinity College)
| Article 11: Gifts of Time and Money: The Impact of Church Leadership Roles Author: Robert Stonebraker
| Article 10: Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census Author: Duane Alexander Miller (St. Mary's University) and Patrick Johnstone (WEC International)
| Article 9: Should Social Marketing Interventions Against Human Trafficking in Asia Focus on Religion or Economics? Author: Vernon Murray, Prema Nakra, and Sherry Dingman (Marist College)
| Article 8: Jesus in Interaction: The Microsociology of Charisma Author: Randall Collins (University of Pennsylvania)
| Article 7: Negative Religious Coping and Emotional Distress Among College Students: Exploring the Influences of Religiousness, Fading Affect, and Neuroticism Author: Sherman A. Lee, Jeffrey A. Gibbons, and Andrew Hartzler (Christopher Newport University) and Jennifer K. Hartzler (Radford University)
| Article 6: Religious Monopolies, Religious Pluralism, and Secularization: The Relationship Between Religious Pluralism and Religious Participation in Sweden Author: Eva M. Hamberg (Lund University)
| Article 5: Spinozas Use of the Psalms in the Context of His Political Project Author: Jeffrey Morrow (Seton Hall University)
| Article 4: Goals and Information Behavior in Religious Sermons Author: Darin Freeburg (University of South Carolina) and Daniel Roland (Kent State University)
| Article 3: Connection Between Retirement Preparation and Spiritual Activities: An Example of Faculty at an Evangelical Christian University Author: Paul Anderson, Jau-Lian Jeng, and Daniel G. Park (Azusa Pacific University)
| Article 2: Separation Anxiety: Analyzing Media Coverage of Issues of Law and Faith in Town of Greece v. Galloway Author: Erica Salkin (Whitworth University) and Jonah Brown (Whitworth University)
| Article 1: Are Religion and Environmentalism Complements or Substitutes?: A Club-Based Approach Author: Feler Bose (Alma College) and Timothy M. Komarek (Old Dominion University)
 2014 Volume 10 2013 Volume 9 2012 Volume 8Article 10: God, Guts, and Glory: An Investigation of Relational Support Mechanisms for War Veterans Provided by Religious Communities Author: Terry Shoemaker (Western Kentucky University)
| Article 9: Whom Do People Dislike More: Atheists or Cultists? Author: Ryan T. Cragun (University of Tampa), Patrick Henry (Eckerd College), Casey P. Homan (University of California, Berkeley), and Joseph Hammer (Iowa State University)
| Article 8: Religion as a Credence Good and the Case Against Galileo Author: Kristina Terkun Castro (DePaul University)
| Article 7: Pride, Sloth/Lust/Gluttony, Envy, Greed/Wrath: Rating the Seven Deadly Sins Author: Douglas M. Stenstrom (California State University, Los Angeles) and Mathew Curtis (University of Southern California))
| Article 6: Meaning Making Under the Sacred Canopy: The Role of Orthodox Jewish Marriage Guidebooks Author: Nurit Novis-Deutsch (University of California) and Ari Engelberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
| Article 5: Liar, Liar: Adolescent Religiosity and Lying to Parents Author: Scott A. Desmond (Indiana University Purdue University - Indianapolis) and Rachel Kraus (Ball State University)
| Article 4: Religion and Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage: The Role of Syncretism Between Denominational Teachings About Homosexuality and Personal Religious Beliefs Author: Michael R. Woodford (University of Michigan), N. Eugene Walls (University of Denver), and Denise L. Levy (Appalachian State University)
| Article 3: The Confucian Ethic of Female Subordination and Depression Among Young People in Rural China Author: Jie Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics) and Eric Y. Liu (Renmin University of China)
| Article 2: Women Religious in a Changing Urban Landscape: The Work of Catholic Sisters in Metropolitan Cleveland Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University) and Jennifer Bartholomew (Case Western Reserve University)
| Article 1: Religion, Secularism, and Political Discourse in Tanzania: Competing Perspectives by Religious Organizations Author: Mohammed A. Bakari (University of Dar es Salaam)
 2011 Volume 7 2010 Volume 6 2009 Volume 5 2008 Volume 4 2007 Volume 32006 Volume 22005 Volume 1Article 12: Retention Strategies and Religious Success: A Regional Comparison of American Jews Author: Michael K. Abel (University of Washington)
| Article 11: Images of God: The Effect of Personal Theologies on Moral Attitudes, Political Affiliation, and Religious Behavior Author: Christopher Bader (Baylor University), Paul Froese (Baylor University)
| Article 10: Purity and Anger: Gentiles and Idolatry in Antioch Author: Magnus Zetterholm (Lund University)
| Article 9: Social Mobility and Sect Transformation: Testing the Regression-to-the-Mean Hypothesis Author: Sean F. Everton (Stanford University)
| Article 8: The Gnostic Church of Brazil: Contemporary Neo-Esotericism in Late-Modern Perspective Author: Andrew Dawson (University of Chester)
| Article 7: Does Religion Promote Trust?: The Role of Signaling, Reputation, and Punishment Author: Richard Sosis (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Connecticut)
| Article 6: The Social and Symbolic Boundaries of Congregations: An Analysis of Website Links Author: Christopher P. Scheitle (Pennsylvania State University)
| Article 5: Religious Competition and Revival in Italy: Exploring European Exceptionalism Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino, Italy), Rodney Stark (Baylor University)
| Article 4: Folk Temples and the Chinese Religious Economy Author: Graeme Lang (City University of Hong Kong), Selina Ching Chan (Shueyan College), Lars Ragvald (Lund University)
| Article 3: Niches in the Islamic Religious Market and Fundamentalism: Examples from Turkey and Other Countries Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino, Italy)
| Article 2: Atheism Author: William Sims Bainbridge (Arlington, Virginia)
| Article 1: The Political Origins of Religious Liberty Author: Anthony Gill (University of Washington)
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