Article 16: Heads Down, Hearts Up: How Ukrainian Baptists Make Meaning from Their Memories of Soviet State-Sanctioned Religious Persecution Author: Gregory S. Morrow (Future Leadership Foundation Jefferson City, Missouri), Mary E. Grigsby (University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri)
Article 15: Metaphoric Narration: Mimesis of Mystic Experience in Hadewijch of Brabant’s “Vision 1” Author: Catherine Caufield (Concordia University of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta)
Article 14: New Data and Measures on Societal Discrimination and Religious Minorities Author: Jonathan Fox (Bar Ilan University Ramat Gan, Israel), Roger Finke (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania), Dane R. Mataic (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania)
Article 13: Religious Identity Formation: Constraints Imposed on Religious Institutions and Implications for the Meaning of Religious Affiliation Author: Marc von der Ruhr (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Paul Ngo (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Joseph Daniels (Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Article 12: Family Networks and the Growth of The Church of Almighty God Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR Center for Studies on New Religions Torino, Italy)
Article 11: “Head Knowledge Isn’t Enough”: Bible Visualization and Congregational Culture in an Evangelical Church Author: Mark Ward Sr. (University of Houston-Victoria Victoria, Texas)
Article 10: The Body in Medieval Spirituality: A Rationale for Pilgrimage and the Veneration of Relics Author: Matteo Salonia (King’s College London London, England)
Article 9: A Linguistic and Religious Interpretation of the Word Pain in the Age of American Secularism Author: David Johnson (Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, Georgia)
Article 8: Same-Sex Sexuality, Marriage, and the Seminary Professor: Catholic, Evangelical, and Mainline Protestant Author: Robert J. Priest (Taylor University Upland, Indiana)
Article 7: Economic and Religious Freedom: One or Divisible? Author: Peter R. Crabb (Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho)
Article 6: “Mostly Catholic” or Loose Organizational Affiliation and Intergenerational Immigrant Identity: A Case Study of the Philippine-American Ecumenical Church, United Church of Christ (PAECUSA-UCC) in Detroit, Michigan Author: Aprilfaye T. Manalang (Norfolk State University Norfolk, Virginia)
Article 5: Ministries of Catholic Sisters in the Diocese of Cleveland: Assessing Capacity and Opportunity in a Period of Transition Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio) and Rong Bai (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio)
Article 4: Gendered Motivations for Religious Exit among the Former Amish Author: Caroline L. Faulkner (Franklin & Marshall College Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
Article 3: Introducing the Sort-of Buddhist: Or, If There Is No �I� to Have a Religious Identity, Then How Do I Fill Out This Survey?� Author: Anne C. Spencer (The College of Idaho Caldwell) and Scott Draper ( The College of Idaho Caldwell)
Article 2: Religious Likes and Dislikes as Potential Explanations for Support of Sexual Minorities Author: George Yancey (University of North Texas)
Article 1: The Structure of Jesus’s Social Network: Subgroups, Blockmodeling, and Balance Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)