Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2025 Volume 21 :: Article 2
2025 Volume 21, Article 2
The Labors of a Positive Deviance Profession

Author: Druann Maria Heckert (Fayetteville State University), Alex Heckert (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Hideki Morooka (Fayetteville State University), and Kelsey Heckert (Millersville University)

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The clergy are a quintessential example of a positive deviance profession. Further, clergy families are usually expected to represent the clergy. In the context of conducting qualitative interviews of clergy and their family members in terms of other issues, it became clear that the labor they perform is extensive and varied. While physical labor is minimal, other types of labor include the following: intellectual labor, unpaid labor, emotional labor, spiritual labor, aesthetic labor, care work, dirty work, and identity work. Additionally, much of this labor is imposed on the family of clergy. Positive deviance professions are demanding and, in the case of the clergy, challenging for the family.

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