Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2018 Volume 14 :: Article 5
2018 Volume 14, Article 5
Ministries of Catholic Sisters in the Diocese of Cleveland: Assessing Capacity and Opportunity in a Period of Transition

Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio) and Rong Bai (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio)

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Catholic sisters have long played a vital role in addressing the needs of the poor, neglected, and vulnerable members of society. In northeast Ohio, sisters have been instrumental in the arenas of education, healthcare, social service, and advocacy. This research builds on research conducted in 2009 on the characteristics of the ministries of Catholic sisters. Using a survey approach, responses were collected from 358 Catholic Sisters in 12 religious orders, approximately 60 percent of the sisters living in the Diocese of Cleveland. The study explores sisters’ current ministries (work and service), the plans for their ministries to continue, and their perspectives on the future of ministry. The research highlights several avenues for strengthening the transition of ministry activities as the number of retired sisters continues to increase.

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