Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2022 Volume 18 :: Article 11
2022 Volume 18, Article 11
Muslim American Women’s Attitudes toward Islamic Law: Support or Rejection?

Author: Fatima Z. Rahman, PhD (Soka University of America)

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This paper contributes to the growing interest in Muslim American women’s attitudes and behavior, by examining their views on Islamic law. Islamic law, a fundamental institution in Islam, is at the center of a contentious debate, with some arguing that it elevates women’s status and others arguing just the opposite. Based on data collected from 51 interviews, I find that while there is substantial variation in attitudes toward Islamic law, over all there is more support. Among the women interviewed, Arab heritage and affiliation with the Sunni and Shia sects are predictors of support.

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