Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2012 Volume 8 :: Article 3
2012 Volume 8, Article 3
The Confucian Ethic of Female Subordination and Depression Among Young People in Rural China

Author: Jie Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics) and Eric Y. Liu (Renmin University of China)

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This study examines the association between the Confucian ethic of female subordination and depression among young people, using a community data sample that was collected from rural China. Our findings show a positive relationship between the Confucian ethic of female subordination and depression among women in rural China who committed suicide. We also found that the positive association was more pronounced for the married women among the living controls. However, we did not detect any such association for young Chinese men.

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