Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2015 Volume 11 :: Article 3
2015 Volume 11, Article 3
Connection Between Retirement Preparation and Spiritual Activities: An Example of Faculty at an Evangelical Christian University

Author: Paul Anderson, Jau-Lian Jeng, and Daniel G. Park (Azusa Pacific University)

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Financial matters are one of the most frequently addressed subjects in the Bible. Using a sample of faculty members from a Christian university, we examine the relationship between Christians' retirement preparation and spiritual practice variables. Although the sample might not represent the retirement savings behavior of all Christians, the results show that the members of this specific Christian group increases retirement savings when they get older and have more knowledge about retirement. However, their savings do not show a strong relationship with spiritual practice activities. Because there are no empirical studies relating Christians' retirement preparation and spiritual activities, our results invite researchers' further investigation into the issue.

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