Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2017 Volume 13 :: Article 1
2017 Volume 13, Article 1
The Inclusion of Geo-Cultural, Historical, and Legal Considerations in the Analysis of Anglican and Roman Ecclesiastical Division

Author: Rutherford Cd. Johnson (University of Minnesota)

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Ecclesiastical division in recent times within the Anglican and Roman Communions may be influenced not only by active effort of individuals, but also by historical context of social and legal structure. This study investigates both active influence from individuals, including religious leaders, political leaders, "everyday citizens," and others, and contextual influence from history by considering geo-cultural and legal differences between the United States and Great Britain and applying a multipoint economic gravitation model. Such a model can provide insight into the way in which the various actors in the ongoing ecclesiastical situations interact with and influence each other. The model also considers historical factors that lead to differences between the modern American forms of Anglicanism and Catholicism, as well as to the variation in religious belief and action within the United States that may reasonably considered to have played and continue to play a role in influencing modern outcomes. As individuals influence others and are influenced by others, as well as are influenced by historical factors, the make-up of the various sub-groups present within Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism may change over time, thereby also changing the make-up and nature of the overall churches. The application of the multipoint gravitational model helps to explain the way in which different individuals, organizations, and factions in the religious marketplace interact with and influence each other.

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