Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2010 Volume 6 :: Article 3
2010 Volume 6, Article 3
Teenage Religiosity and Changes in Marijuana Use During Transition to Adulthood

Author: Jeffrey T. Ulmer (The Pennsylvania State University), Scott A. Desmond (Purdue University, Sung Joon Jang (Baylor University), and Byron R. Johnson (Baylor University)

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Few studies have examined the effect of religiosity on the initiation of, persistence in, and desistence from delinquency. Yet religiosity may differentially affect these dimensions of delinquency in the early life course. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), we study the relationship between religiosity and patterns of marijuana use. The results suggest that the primary effect of religiosity on marijuana use is to prevent its initiation in the first place. Religious youths are significantly more likely never to use marijuana than to initiate marijuana use or become persistent marijuana users. Although religious youths are less likely ever to use marijuana, adolescent religiosity does not significantly predict desistence from marijuana use. Furthermore, adolescent religiosity does not differentiate between never using and desistence, intermittent use and desistence, or persistent use and desistence.

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