Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2010 Volume 6 :: Article 4
2010 Volume 6, Article 4
Excluding Inclusivity: Protestant Framing of Homosexuality

Author: Carolyn A. Kapinus (Ball State University), Rachel Kraus (Ball State University), and Daniel R. Flowers (St. Mary's College)

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Using the lenses of subcultural identity theory and causal stories, this study examines how mainline, evangelical, and black Protestant denominations discuss same-sex relationships on their websites. Results indicate that mainline denominations call for more dialogue about homosexuality and recognize varying committed relationships. In contrast, evangelical and, to some degree, black Protestant denominations condemn homosexuality, link same-sex relationships to societal ills, and emphasize the biblical sanctity of marriage. Our findings suggest that the ways in which denominations discuss same-sex relationships are related to internal consensus about issues and to denominations‘ positions within the competitive market of religious organizations. The results shed light on how denominations frame and maintain their cultural stances regarding same-sex relationships.

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