Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2009 Volume 5 :: Article 4
2009 Volume 5, Article 4
Social Responsibility of the Young in Iran: Shiraz as a Case Study

Author: M.T. Iman (Shiraz University) and V. Jalaeian (Shiraz University)

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The hypotheses that religiosity and parenting style predict social responsibility were tested by using data from 386 participants in the age range of 18 to 29 years in the city of Shiraz, Iran. Survey instruments included a measure of social responsibility that was used previously by Gough, McClosky, and Meehl (1952) and a new index of religiosity that assesses the degree to which religious beliefs are manifested in daily life. Hierarchical regression indicates that religiosity and parenting style were associated positively with social responsibility in young people. Structural modeling indicated both direct and indirect effects mediated by parenting style on social responsibility. The maximum and minimum direct effects were associated with religiosity and gender, respectively. The maximum and minimum indirect effects were associated with the father's education and the mother's education, respectively.

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