Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2017 Volume 13 :: Article 10
2017 Volume 13, Article 10
The Effect of Religious Affiliation and Religious Markets on Islamophobia in Four European Nations

Author: Linda A. Lockett (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Ted G. Jelen (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

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This paper compares the effects of religion affiliation and religious market structure on public attitudes toward Muslims in four different countries: Germany and the United Kingdom (religiously pluralistic), Sweden (predominately Protestant), and Spain (predominately Catholic). Catholic respondents in Germany and Protestants in Sweden are more likely to accept Muslims as neighbors than are the religiously nonaffiliated. Self-reported Catholicism is not significantly related to attitudes toward Muslims among Spanish respondents.

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