Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2017 Volume 13 :: Article 9
2017 Volume 13, Article 9
The Prosperity Gospel and Individualistic Economic and Social Attitudes in Guatemala

Author: Lindsey A. Huang (Fresno Pacific University) and Gabe Ignatow (University of North Texas)

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This study seeks to assess the compatibility between the global trends of the prosperity gospel and liberal individualism by analyzing social survey data from Guatemala, which is one of the largest hosts of the prosperity gospel. Data from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life’s 2006 survey Spirit and Power: Survey of Pentecostals in Guatemala is used to conduct logistic regression analyzing the relationship between agreement with the prosperity gospel and economic and social issues. Results suggest that the prosperity gospel acts as a modernizing agent with regard to individuals’ economic attitudes but not necessarily with regard to attitudes towards social issues. We recommend that further studies be devoted to analyzing the impact of the prosperity gospel on economic, political, and civic spheres.

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