Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2024 Volume 20 :: Article 6
2024 Volume 20, Article 6
Exposure to Worldview Pluralism and Adopting an Atheistic Worldview

Author: Katie E. Corcoran and Christopher P. Scheitle (West Virginia University)

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While research identifies predictors of theistic beliefs, especially regarding theistic certainty, less research examines predictors of adopting an atheistic worldview—that is, shifting from a non- atheistic worldview to explicitly not believing in God. Much prior research examines religious apostates or nones, focuses on atheist identity rather than belief, and uses cross-sectional data. Berger (1967) argued that religious pluralism relativizes religious worldviews, undermining their plausibility. We hypothesize that exposure to diverse worldviews as a teenager will increase one’s odds of adopting an atheistic worldview as an emerging adult. We use waves 1 and 3 of the National Study of Youth and Religion to test the relationship between exposure to diverse worldviews and adopting an atheistic worldview. Exposure to diverse worldviews through volunteering as a teenager is associated with increased odds of adopting an atheistic worldview as an emerging adult. We also find that teenagers with two nonreligious parents have significantly higher odds of adopting an atheistic worldview as emerging adults compared to those who have two parents of the same religious faith.

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